Friday, 11 May 2018

Ravi Shankar - Music from India - Raga Khamaj & Raga Lalit - LP published in 1967 in India and UK

Here one of my favourite Ravi Shankar LPs. It was published first in UK in 1967 as volume 4 of the Music of India Series. Our version was released the same year in India.


BT said...

Thank-you so much

Anonymous said...

Many thanks,great post.

Rutger said...

Thank you for sharing this lovely album. Richard from flat black and classical blog had shared this but the links are down for a few years now. Its great that people can have access to the LP once again

Richard said...

Thank you, my friend, for all the hard work you put into transferring and uploading. It's not an easy process by any stretch. I hope you are taking very good care of yourself.


Tawfiq said...

Thank you, dear Richard. I'm now retired and have more time for my blog. Most of the transferring I have done already many years ago.
Hope you are doing well too and will find some time occasionaly to continue your great blog.

Psikofobi said...
