Here an LP by the well-known master of the 'Ud, well-known through his participation in the famous Al Kindi Ensemble, which toured Europe and other parts of the world extensively and published quite a number of CDs, mostly accompanying legendary singers like Sabri Moudallal, Adib al-Dayikh and Hamza Shakkur. He also has a solo CD released by the Inédit label (see here).
Showing posts with label Aleppo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aleppo. Show all posts
Tuesday, 11 July 2017
Sunday, 18 June 2017
Hassan Haffar - Cassette from Syria
Hassan Haffar, who was part of the "Muezzins d'Alep" of our previous post, is one of the most famous Munshidin (singers of religious or Sufi songs) of recent decades in Aleppo, Syria. He toured a couple of times in the west, especially in France, where two CDs were released, and at the Fez Festival. See below one of the CDs.
Our dear friend Danny bought this cassette many years ago in Syria and was so kind to share it with us. Many thanks to him.
In France this fantastic set of 3 CDs was released in 2009. As always it can be obtained from:
Hassan Haffar (Vocal) - Suites d'Alep - The Aleppo Suites, 3 CDs, CD 1:
Suites dans les modes Yekah, Nahawand & Rast (47:27), CD 2: Suites dans les
modes Hijaz, Zanjaran, 'Ajam & Sikah (47:14), CD 3: Suites dans les modes
Kurd, Bayati, Bastanikar & Nakriz (48:09), INSTITUT DU MONDE ARABE, IMA
With an excellent booklet in French, English & Arabic including the
sung poems.
„Hassan Haffar is the soloist in the eleven 'Aleppo Suites' presented here,
performing with great freedom of expression. His musical and vocal skills blend
introspection and sensuality and these three albums confirm him to be a master
of the genre...Muezzin at the Great Mosque in Aleppo, Hassan Haffar was born in
the city in 1943. A true craftsman, he was singled out for the quality,
precision and strength of his voice. He was the pupil of the hymnodists Bakri
Kurdi, Sabri Mudallal and 'Abd Al Ra'uf Hallaq...Accompanied by a chorus made up
of his pupils he entrances the listener with the rich fullness of his lower
register and the precision of his upper register. His brillant range and vocal
power do not, however, exclude a rare subtlety and an exquisite refinement... “
Thursday, 15 June 2017
Syrie - Vol. 1 - Muezzins d'Alep - Chants Religieux de l'Islam - LP published 1980 in France
Here a wonderful LP of a group of Munshidin (religious or Sufi singers) from Aleppo, under the direction of the legendary Sabri Mudallal. Amongst them also the wellknown Hassan Haffar. We posted already three recordings by the great Sabri Mudallal (see here). We will post soon one of the many recordings by Hassan Haffar.
This LP was released later also on CD, but is no longer available since many years. A volume 2 was never published.
Sunday, 13 September 2015
Adib Dayikh (1938 - 2001) - Sa'altak Ya Jabbar - Cassette from Syria
Here one of the many cassettes by the great singer from Aleppo. This one has quite good sound quality, though there are some disturbences occasionally. We saw him live at WDR (Westdeutscher Rundfunk) in Cologne, Germany in the 1990s. Unbelievably beautiful and still very much alive in my memory.
Many thanks again to Danny.
1938 - 2001
Adib DayIkh : Born in Aleppo in 1938, belongs to a highly reputated line of cantors (munshid). Highly valued from Middle East to Maghreb, this native aleppian has rarely travelled abroad, but music lovers made copies of the cassettes and passed them around like a treasure. They transmitted a new style of expression that was broadly imitated by Arab singers. He is quoted as a real musical monument : altogether vocal phenomenon and a fount of knowledge in maqâmat, his art of modulation from one maqâm to another and his perfect mastership of an immeasurable classical repertoire. He might be the only contemporary singer whose voice reminds of the arab singers from the beginning of the century. The high-pitched and youthful tessitura of his voice is called al-farkha (the cheeping of baby birds) and applies to men and women alike. Capable of going from the lowest to the the highest notes with great ease, his ambitus covers three octaves.
from: more information on the artist see the booklet to his first CD published in France:
For infos regarding the classical music of Aleppo:
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
Sabri Moudallal (1918-2006) - Qudud wa Muwashahat - MP3-CD from Syria
The media are full of the unbelievable human catastrophe taking place in
Syria since years and getting worse and worse. What a desaster, what a horror! Amid all this desaster we hardly know anything
about the destiny of musicians and if and how they are able to
maintain their great traditions of classical and religious (Sufi) music. In order to keep up the memory of Syria's great musical heritage and
as there are only very few CDs available we post here over the next months some
cassettes and MP3-CDs which our dear friend Danny brought 5 years ago
from a trip to Syria.
We start here with a MP3-CD containing three concert recordings by Sabri Moudallal (1918-2006), the great master of the classical music of Aleppo, accompanied by a Takht ensemble consisting of Ney, Ud, Qanun, Violin and Riqq players. We had already before posted two recordings by him: one a Mouled an-Nabi as it is performed especially in Sufi circles and the second a programme of Classical Arab Music from Aleppo recorded by the WDR in Cologne in Germany.
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Sabri Moudallal (1918-2006) - Classical Arab music from Aleppo, Syria - Broadcasts from 1988 & 1989 by WDR, Cologne, Germany
Broadcast of a concert on 6th of february 1988 at Musikhochschule in Cologne, Germany, and studio recordings, probably done around the same time and broadcast in 1989, by the outstanding classical and religious (Sufi) singer from Aleppo, Syria. Music from a very endangered culture. See also our post of a Sufi programme by the same singer here.

Many thanks to KF for making the CD covers.
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